Monthly Archives: June 2010

Official US: Lotro lottery and F2P model

[Q] I was just wondering if the lottery will be discontinued once Lotro F2P starts up. From reading post about the DDO store, a lot of what we get in the lottery is stuff that we will have to buy in the future.

[A-Patience] Lotro’s lotteries…

News: Lotro Free-to-play model benefits

You have probably visited Lotro beta free-to-play sign-up page, but if you haven’t noticed additional information about free-to-play benefits, we think that you should read this:

Anyone can join the game for free as a Free player when LOTRO…

Official US: Lotro Loyalty Rewards

To qualify for the Special Offers, NA Non-Lifetime Membership Subscribers to LOTRO must maintain a paid subscription from June, 30th 2010 to the launch of LOTRO Free-to-Play (currently scheduled for Fall 2010). Lifetime Membership…