Monthly Archives: September 2011

Staggered Early Access Nothing Has Changed

Stephen Reid has once again come to the forums and reaffirmed something that should not need to be said.   Since the pre-orders went out we all knew was that it was a first come first serve basis and that by entering your pre-order code would determine when you would gain access to the game. […]

Felicitous Socketing Supplements on the NCsoft Aion Store

These fail-proof Fabled and Eternal Felicitous Socketing supplements will be on sale beginning Wednesday, September 28, in the NCsoft store. They’re only available from September 28 through October 11, and will be removed from the store during billing maintenance on October 12. On September 28th, players will have a choice of two Fabled or two Eternal Felicitous Socketing Supplements in an in-game survey.



  • 3 Fabled Felicitous Socketing Supplements for $9.99
  • 1 Fabled Felicitous Socketing Supplement for $3.99
  • 3 Eternal Felicitous Socketing Supplements for $11.99
  • 1 Eternal Felicitous Socketing Supplement for $4.99