Monthly Archives: August 2012


I know, this is not Aion related. Still, I thought I should share this with the Aion community. It is this new MMORPG game coming from Korea called RaiderZ. We visited Gameforge’s booth at Gamescom 2012 primarily for Aion news, but we were also curious about RaiderZ. You see, they have these big bosses scattered around the world that drop special loot and I wanted to find out more about the game. If you are like me you can watch the video presentation of the game bellow where we found out about the following:

  • Game’s background story detailed
  • Gamescom Raiderz game trailer
  • Character creation and customization (cool tattoo system)
  • Raiderz fighting styles (character classes that you can mix and match)
  • Combat is skill based (dodge, aim and positioning play a huge role)
  • Crafting is done by NPCs and you bring them the mats
  • Musical instruments that you can play
  • Feasting system – you can create food that will buff the party
  • Mounts that allow fighting at later levels
  • Transformation system – You can transform into some of the creatures found in the world (including getting their skills and transforming into bosses)
  • Mount Eda – open PvP, two faction, area with bosses and quest chains

Aion 3.5 presentation video and 4.0 reveals!

During our visit to GamesCom 2012 in Cologne, Germany, we were treated to a full presentation and session with the Korean developers, courtesy of Gameforge. We were shown loads of footage from Aion 3.5 including lots of information about what is new and exciting in that patch. Being insatiable for new Aion information we had to ask about Aion 4.0, although Aion 3.5 was just now launched in Korea. To our surprise we got not only an answer but two major reveals. You can watch all this in our video of the presentation or read the recap bellow:

Aion 3.5

  • Two new end-game dungeons finishing the story arc started in 3.0
  • The first dungeon is versus Tiamat’s generals and lets you get gear which will enable you to face Tiamat herself
  • The second dungeon is the fight versus dragon lady Tiamat and for one month since launch in Korea less than 10% of players succeeded in defeating the event
  • You will get mythic weapons from Tiamat (only mythic grade items in game).
  • New kind of rifts in the game with attacker/defender system and quests available
  • Two new arenas with high replay value
  • The first arena will give you the key to enter the second arena

Aion 4.0

  • Three new classes
  • One class will wield a gun
  • One class will wield a musical instrument
  • Third class is still being kept secret
  • 4.0 will concentrate on PvP and RvR content