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May 02 2009

Gnome gets ultimate power – kills all in WoW

Published by at 6:19 am under wow

Martin Fury

I always, always wanted to have a headline like that. And the most important thing is – it is true! Apparently, a gnome warrior named Karatechop (leave it to a gnome to have a name like that) on Vek’nilash server received by accident a GM only item pictured above. The item is called Martin Fury and its special property is to kill all enemies in a 30 yard radius. So what does a gnome do? Goes and earns some achievements ofc. He killed Malygos and cleared Uludar on heroic modes an d continued his “rampage on the World (of Warcraft) until he got perma banned. The best way to sum up my feeling about this whole thing are of course in the words of another (found as a comment on Kotaku)

Of course it was a f***ing gnome. They’re behind everything that’s wrong in Azeroth. Not the Scourge, not the Burning Legion.

It’s the g** d**n gnomes.

News spotted at Kotaku, while an interview with the “berserk” gnome can be read at the WoW insider. Oh yeah, the item itself can be seen at WoWDB.

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